Sunday, January 24, 2010

Misery eats Itself

Kelvin touched my heart. I would guess that the young man was probably 12 years old and spoke English very well. Like most Haitians the earthquake had not been good to his home. He explained it to us as being cracked. I can only assume that his home crumbled as he mentioned that he and the rest of his family were sleeping outside. This intelligent young man met us on the walk from the Toddler house to the Baby house. He proceeded to ask us if we knew Madame Brad, he was convinced that if he could speak to Madame Brad he would be able to have food for his family for the day. He told us that no one in Haiti has work and since the earthquake things have only gotten worse. He said that his family has no money and if you have no money then you have no food. It broke my heart when he told me "In Haiti, if you have no money your misery eats itself."
Another man stopped us on the street and asked if we could help his family. Kelvin translated for us as we heard of the 5 children that passed and the 7 he had yet to care for. He told us of his wifes pregnancy and explained to us that he was worried for her and the kids. He had no money and his home had been damaged in the quake.
Another young man told us of his house collapsing and that he had nothing but sheets draped on trees for shelter. He told me that he prayed every night that God would keep the rain from falling so that they could continue to sleep outside.
Everyone has a story... everyone carries sadness....everyone needs love.
Its hard knowing that when I go home, I will leave the death and destruction behind. I get to go back to my nice comfortable life where I have a roof over my head, money in my account and food on my table. It doesnt seem fair! I am not sure why this happened and but I do know that through the pain and the suffering God has and will continue to emerge triumphant. What a loving God that we have that would use this tragedy to send this entire orphanage to their Forever Families.
We are finally in the talks with the Canadian embassy to get the canadian children sent home. It also sounds as though all the Canadian volunteers will be escorting them. I still dont have too many details about this but I am looking forward to seeing the faces of the expectant families waiting for their children.
I thank God everyday that he has allowed me to be a part of this extraordinary miracle. Even though we encounter sadness, more often than not we encounter hope.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for praying that God would heal these people, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The world is pulling for this beautiful country of Haiti.


  1. Janelle, it has been great to read these blog posts. You have a real ability to express in words what you are experiencing. We are praying for you and the work you are doing ... and trusting God to bring good out of all the suffering for the people of Haiti. God bless you!
    Carol & Ed Kurbis in Hanna

  2. Dear Janelle - we are so proud of you, honey and so thrilled to see what God is doing for you and for the country of Haiti. It is great to read all about your esperiences - technology is a good thing in this case! Poppa found your picture on CBC - you are holding a beautiful Haitian baby and I am taking it to school to tell everyone about it. I want you to come to school when you get back and tell my students about your experience. We continue to pray for your safety as you head back to Haiti. Love Sharalynn, Phil, Cassie, Camille and Cailyn

  3. Hi Janelle - you would not remember me as you were only a young girl when I knew you in Hanna. Your mom sent me your blog address and I have just tearfully finished reading about your experiences in Haiti. God bless your compassionate heart. You have been in my prayers since I read about you going to Haiti. May you be a blessing to many there. I partner with you in prayer. I saw the pictures of the orphans being brought to Ottawa and maybe I saw you as well.
