Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Overdue Thank Yous

I just want to start by thanking everyone for their love and support through this incredible journey. I am sorry for the delay in the last couple blogs. Coming back to Canada was a real struggle for me. I didnt feel ready to be home and was suffering from a loneliness I cant quite explain. I desperately missed the country of Haiti and the relationships I had developed and strengthened in that short amount of time. This was without a doubt a life changing experience and one that I feel entirely unworthy of. I was so blessed to be part of Gods work and to be working alongside some of the most beautiful hearts I have ever met. This blog was supposed to be a personal reflection of my experience and a way to remember and reflect on all the miracles I had witnessed. I never dreamt that anyone other than my family would be interested in reading what I had to say. So thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to share this with me.
I am not sure what is in store for me just yet. I am hoping that God will lead me back to Haiti but that is not for me to decide. In the meantime I am learning to be patient and reminding myself that it is in Gods time and not my own.
A good friend explained it to me this way... often times we are put on the front lines of battle. We push through, no matter what the struggle, continuing to fight the good fight. What we dont always understand, is although we may feel we have the energy to continue, the best thing for us is to rest. Like any effective solider, we need to reenergize and recuperate before heading into battle again.
The battle for Haiti is not over, not even close. The country is facing new challenges everyday and I want to encourage everyone to continue to pray and support the efforts being made there. I can say truthfully that I have never seen faith as I have witnessed in that country. People are pulling together, praying together and working together to rebuild a broken country. No matter what you see, read or hear please know that these people are beautiful. They have displayed their faithfulness in the midst of tragedy and despair. Their resilience sparkles and has personally lit a fire in my life.
Thank you....
Yours truly and sincerely
Janelle Richardson

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janelle
    I just read your blog. I met you in HighRiver roughly 3 years ago. Dell can tell you more. I remember you and Im very impressed with the work you did in Haiti. Impressed with the stories. Impressed with the life of the little girl who is growing and becoming bigger, bolder and brighter that she ever thought just because she is allowing God to work with and through her. Thanks for all the good work. Thanks for all the prayers. Thanks for the serving hands. God bless you, your heart and your dreams.
    Kind Regards
    from Colombia SA
